Losing a rabbit
Losing a beloved member of your family can be very difficult no matter how it happens.
What is euthanasia?
Euthanasia or putting an animal to sleep is the process of ending a life peacefully to relieve unnecessary pain and suffering. The word literally translates to "good death."
Extra resources
- Rabbit Welfare Association & Fund. Euthanasia – When to Say Goodbye
- Ruth Cawston MA VetMB CertAVP(SAM) MRCVS. (2021). Top Tips From A Vet On Peaceful Euthanasia For Rabbits
- UMB Animal Care and Use Program Euthanasia Guidelines: Rabbits. [1] [PDF] (Graphic)
What to do
It can be very overwhelming to deal with the loss of a pet rabbit, especially if it was unexpected and sudden in the middle of the night at home. There are several options for owners with regards to what to do with your rabbit's remains.
- If you don't know what to do right now and will decide within a day or two, you can wrap their body in a towel and put them in a box in the fridge for storage. If you expect the decision to take an extended period of time, you can put them in the freezer.
- If you would like to get a necropsy from your veterinarian, please call them and pass along the body ASAP. Keep the body in the fridge if you are unable to drop them off immediately.
- If you would like to cremate your rabbit, you can keep them in the fridge or freezer until you decide to drop them off at a veterinarian or pet crematorium. Any nearby veterinarian hospital should be able to cremate your rabbit for you. It will usually take a few weeks to receive the ashes back if you opt for a private cremation.
- If you would like to bury your rabbit, you can find a biodegradable cardboard box to use or directly bury them in the soil. If you would like to bring your rabbit with you when you move, consider burying them in a portable large pot. Make sure to dig deep to prevent cats and wildlife from uncovering your rabbit.
If your rabbit was part of a bonded group, please make sure to check out the section below for further tips.
For your rabbit

When your rabbit loses their bonded companion, they will grieve, too. Rabbits can create very strong bonds with their mate or companion.
What should I do when a rabbit in a bonded group has passed?
Many experts suggest that the surviving mate be allowed to see the body to help them understand what has happened. Each rabbit will handle the death differently. Make sure to watch your rabbit(s) closely after, as some may get depressed and stop eating.
If your surviving rabbit(s) have not lost interest in their deceased partner after leaving them together for more than 4 hours, it is best to remove the body for hygienic reasons. Rub a blanket, stuffed animal, or towel over the deceased partner to transfer their scent onto the object, and the surviving rabbit(s) may get some comfort when left with the remaining scent.
When should I start looking for another friend for my remaining rabbit?
Rabbits very much live in the moment, and the timeline to find a new friend for them is mostly a choice of the caretaker. See the Bonding article "Should I get another rabbit?" for considerations on adding any additional rabbits to your household.
What if I do not want to commit to another rabbit indefinitely?
If your rabbit seems bored or lonely but you do not want to perpetuate the cycle of loss, consider fostering for a local rescue and house them separately but nearby for mental stimulation. You can also offer your rabbit a stuffed animal to act as a surrogate companion. Please watch for any consumption tendencies and remove the toy for safety if so to prevent blockages.
Extra resources
- Nancy LaRoche. When a Rabbit Loses a Friend
- Woodgreen Pets Charity. What to do when one rabbit dies
- Katherine Milligan. (2019). How To Support Your Rabbit After the Loss of A Mate
- BunnyHugga. (2010). Bereavement in rabbits
- Susan Curtiss. (2008). Bonding a rabbit after the death of a spouse
- Joy Gioia. (2002). And the Love Goes On
What is a necropsy?
A necropsy is a surgery performed after death in an effort to determine the cause of death. This may be useful in helping owners whose rabbits died suddenly and unexpectedly to gain a sense of closure.
The following links include more information about the procedure on rabbits.
- Mary E. Cotter. (2012). Necropsy: Knowledge After Death
- Zooh Corner. The Value of the Necropsy
- Colorado House Rabbit Society. (2012). Necropsy or Not
- Frances Harcourt-Brown. Post mortem examination
Further reading
- Maxine K. (2016). Coping With Pet Loss [PDF]
- Kathy Smith. (2003). Love, Loss, Grief, and Survival
- Kathy Smith. (2003). Coping with Loss [PDF]
- Tara Parker-Pope. (2019). Knowing the Right Time to Say Goodbye to a Pet
- Cherie Buisson, DVM. After Pets Pass: 10 Tips For Those Left Behind
- House Rabbit Society. (2011). FAQ: Pet Loss Support and Grief
- Sarah Jane. (2011). Understanding Grief, Guilt, and Acceptance
- Suzanne Trayhan. (2005). When Bunny Dies....
- Bunny Approved. (2014). When House Rabbits Pass Away
- Natural Healing Magazine. (2019). Losing a pet hurts more than people think.