Agility with rabbits
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Rabbit agility started in Europe and has gradually spread across the world. Rabbits can be taught a course consisting of jumps, hoops, A-Frames, Teeter-totters, and much more. Equipment can be purchased, put together from materials from a hardware store, or simply dowels sitting on top of two platforms.
Not all rabbits will like agility, but many enjoy the activity. It is a great bonding experience for the rabbit and owner.
Equipment resources
- Dee Millen Rabbit Accessories. Bunny Jumps & Harness (UK)
- Alikatt's Rabbit Hopping (US)
- KW Cages (US)
- Marna Kazmaier. Rabbit Agility Equipment
- The Rabbit House. Rabbit Agility
Worldwide rabbit agility clubs
- Vancouver Rabbit Agility Club (Vancouver, Canada)
- American Hopping Association for Rabbits and Cavies (US)
- Alikatt's Rabbit Hopping (East Coast, US)
- Seattle Rabbit Agility Club (Seattle, Washington, US)
- San Diego Rabbit Agility Club (San Diego, California, US)
- Minnesota Companion Rabbit Society (Golden Valley, Minnesota, US)
- Rabbit Jumping GB (UK)
- The Swedish Federation of Rabbit Jumping (Sweden)
- Rabbit Hopping Society of Australia (NSW, Australia)
Further reading

Rabbit agility from Napoleon Bunnparte
- iowahopping
- Rabbit Jumping UK
- New Hampshire Netherlands, Teaching your rabbit to hurdle
- Sveriges Kaninhoppares Riksförbund, Rabbit Jumping
- New Jersey 4-H Rabbit Hopping and Rabbit Agility Guidelines and Competition Rules
The following are some sites with instructions on how to make your own hurdles.
- The Rabbit House, Rabbit Agility