Baby rabbits (domestic) - Appearance
Main article: Baby rabbits (domestic)
Images on this page are provided as a reference to age baby rabbits.
Under 1 month

5-day-old babies. Source: eskaisbell
1 week
Fur starts to grow on the babies at 7 days old. Eyes begin to open at 10 days old. Ears begin to open at 12 days old.

Source: u/horse-atak

Source: East Bay Rabbit Rescue

7-day-old lionhead babies. Source: u/valerie1998

7-day-old babies. Source: u/-moon-goddess-

7-day-old babies. Source: r/Rabbits

7-day-old babies. Source: u/rocky946

12-day-old English Angora. Source: u/isaiddanger

12-day-old Mini Lops. Source: Shayhara

13-day-old babies. Source: eskaisbell

13-day-old Flemish Giants weighing about 6 oz. Source: FlemishFloridians

13-day-old babies. Source: u/operajester
2 weeks
Baby rabbits begin to leave the nest and eat solid food at 18 days old.

2-week-old Mini Lop. Source: u/Creep_147

Source: u/foreverpie7

Source: u/foreverpie7

Source: u/Squishy1818

Source: u/migzors

17-day-old babies. Source: u/Upstairs-Ability-449

20-day-old Flemish Giants. Source: FlemishFloridians
3 weeks

Source: u/pippy9746

Source: u/reenbananas1200

21-day-old Cashmere Lop. Source: u/haiimnotbelle

3-week-old Continental Giant babies. Source: Cornwall Bunny Boarding

24-day-old babies. Source eskaisbell

3-week-old English Angora. Source: u/isaiddanger

3-week-old English Lop. Source: Jasharia

3-week-old English Lop. Source: Jasharia

3-week-old dwarf rabbits. Source: u/Hllwolf
1 month
4 weeks

Source: u/-moon-goddess-

Source: East Bay Rabbit Rescue

4-week-old Mini Lop. Source: Shayhara

Source: u/-moon-goddess-

4-week-old English Angora. Source: u/isaiddanger

4-week-old Holland Lop. Source: u/_my_anaconda_does_
5 weeks

Source: u/No-Movie-409

Source: u/ThruRoseColoredGlass

Source: East Bay Rabbit Rescue

Source: u/halloween-is-erryday

5-week-old Flemish Giants, weighing over 2 lb each. Source: FlemishFloridians

5-week-old fuzzy French Lop. Source: sheandg

5-week-old lionhead mix. Source: u/Sassdeville
6 weeks

Source: u/reenbananas1200

Source: u/Pipes993

6-week-old Continental Giant. Source: jazzywoo

6-week-old lionhead rabbits. Source: u/Alternative-Earth-16

6-week-old Netherland Dwarf. Source: u/IntriusVitae

6-week-old Holland Lop. Source: u/Fun_Professional_341
7 weeks

Source: Everybunny Counts Rabbit Rescue

7-week-old Netherland Dwarf. Source: u/BlueWaterGirl

7-week-old Netherland Dwarf. Source: u/Hllwolf
8 weeks

8-week-old lop. Source: u/mylesm902

8-week-old Continental Giant rabbits. Source: lili_2717

8-week-old Mini Lop. Source: u/waitwhyisthissticky

8-week-old English Lop. Source: u/Psychedelic-kitty
2 months
9 weeks

Source: u/BeautyInTheFire_

9-week-old Flemish Giants. Source: FlemishFloridians

9-week-old English Lop. Source: u/katiep329

9-week-old Mini Lop. Source: u/ddokidoki

9-week-old Holland Lop. Source: u/ItsAbaddonNotAbaddon
10 weeks

10-week-old lionhead. Source: Dandy&Tuli4693

10-week-old English Angora. Source: u/isaiddanger

10-week-old Holland Lop. Source: u/gk1400

10-week-old Holland Lop. Source: u/Silent_Saint
12 weeks

12-week-old Continental Giant. Source: u/GrrLikeTiger

12-week-old English Angora. Source: u/YankZuluEcho