Special needs rabbits
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Blind rabbits
The following contain more information about blind rabbit care.
- DisabledRabbits.com. Blindness in Rabbits
- Bunny Eats Design. (2014). Tofu Tuesday: 10 tips for looking after a blind rabbit
- Joanna Campbell. Do Blind Rabbits Need Special Care?
- Lucile Moore & Kathy Smith. (2008). When Your Rabbit Needs Special Care: Traditional and Alternative Healing Methods > Loss of Sight
- Kathy Smith. (2003). Blindness [PDF]
Below are some more discussions about caring for blind rabbits.
- BinkyBunny. (2017). Caring for a blind rabbit?
- u/amberlynns. (2015). Caring for Bandit the blind bunny
- BinkyBunny. (2009). Thoughts and suggestions for Chuck? Update-videos!!
- BinkyBunny. (2010). Tashi the Blind Bunny
Deaf rabbits
Below are some useful articles for owners of rabbits that are deaf or hard-of-hearing.
- Buckeye House Rabbit Society, Harelines, Volume 2 Number 1, Cindy Scheel, How can you be deaf with ears like That?
Here are some useful discussions about deaf bunnies:
- Rabbits Online, Calling those with deaf bunnies...
- Flickr, Bunny Lovers Unite, Deaf bunny – exchange of experience?
- Bunspace, Symptoms of deafness
Physically-disabled rabbits
- Underpads, Peepads, and Training Pads: EZwhelp, Allegro Medical, Peapod Mats, Protective Bedding...
The following are some case studies about lame rabbits and the decision to amputate a limb or not:
- Frances Harcourt-Brown, A lame rabbit. Published Sep 2015.
More Diaper Information:
"Healthy rabbits do not need to wear a diaper at all. Rabbits are very clean animals, they will use a litter box once trained. Bunnies who are not neutered or spayed will territory mark with their poo pellets. Every now again a poop may not make it into the litter box, a simple sweep with a dust pan and broom is all it takes to clean it up." - Sunshine Cavies
- Sunshine Cavies blog, by Kaitlen Rose, Diapers for Rabbits?

Please check in with your rabbit-experienced veterinarian for their opinion on carts for your specific disabled rabbits before proceeding with purchase or creation. Some veterinarians prefer not to recommend them due to orthopedic reasons.
Information and examples of where to obtain carts and wheelchairs along with custom DIY examples and plans for carts and wheelchairs for your rabbit:
- Dolly - A Little Disabled Rabbit. Wheelchair plans
- DisabledRabbits.com. Wheelchairs
- Instructables. How to Make a Cat Wheelchair
- Crispys3DPrinting
- Dogs To Go. Products
- K9 Carts. Wheelchairs
- Doggon' Wheels. Rear support wheelchairs

A few experiences:
- The Rabbit Doctors. (2022). Rabbit zooming in a wheelchair
Tripod rabbits
Tripod rabbits are bunnies that have had a limb amputated for various reasons.
The following are some more resources about limb loss in rabbits:
- DisabledRabbits.com, Limb Loss in Rabbits
Here are some stories about rabbits that have had a limb amputated.
- The Unusual Pet Vets. (2021). A leg amputation for Archie due to severely broken bones after a fight with brother (Graphic)
- Ohana Animal Hospital. (2019). Bun Bun's story
- Rabbit Rescue & Rehab. (2019). Blaze, the Brave Bunny Rescued From a Magic Show - video update
- House Rabbit Society. (2016). Meet Kevin!
- House Rabbit Society. (2014). Video of the Day: Clarence the Three Legged Rabbit
- Ellie Hulse. (2014). Three Legs - No Problem!
- Tripawds. (2012). The Miracle of Clyde the Three-legged Senior Tripawd Rabbit
- Melissa K. Bevington. (2010). Kenny's Story: Adjusting to life with three legs
- Bibble's Bunny Sanctuary. three legged bunnies
The following are some discussions about tripod bunnies.
- BinkyBunny.com. (2011). Tripod Bunnies
- Bunspace. (2008). Tripod Rabbits
- Rabbits United. (2013). Please meet my tripod foster bunny.......
- r/rabbits. (2015). Flemish Giant advice needed
The following are some tripod bunny pages.
- Facebook, Toby Trefoil, the Tripod bunny

In some cases, rabbits can do very well with hydrotherapy. These facilities are specifically designed for small animals and the staff is expertly trained to deal with rabbits in and around water. Please do not submerge your rabbit in a pool or large body of water without veterinary instruction or supervision.
More information on hydrotherapy for rabbits:
- Barbara Rainey. (2003). NYC Metro Rabbit News, Fall 2003, "Swimming to Success"
Online communities
Below are some online communities geared towards special needs rabbits that you can join.
- Facebook, Help for Head Tilt Hoppers (public group)
- Facebook, Disabled Rabbits (private group)
- Facebook, Disabled Rabbits Rescues Only -NO BREEDERS (private group)
Further reading
- DisabledRabbits.com
- Cats & Rabbits & More, Lucile Moore, The Special World of Special Needs
- Lucile Moore & Kathy Smith, When Your Rabbit Needs Special Care: Traditional and Alternative Healing Methods
- Bright Eyes Sanctuary, Special Needs Rabbits & Other Animals
- House Rabbit Society, Marinell Harriman, Caring for the Chronically Ill
The following are videos of some disabled rabbits:
Below are related link collections.
- Cats & Rabbits & More, Disabled Rabbits