Relationships with rabbits
Rabbits are very social creatures. Although rabbits may be a prey species, with care and supervision, owners can have multi-species households with children while owning a pet rabbit.
Under close supervision, children and rabbits can interact well. However, rabbits should not be added to a family purely for child entertainment, and the adults in the household should ultimately be the ones responsible for the rabbit's care and health, not any minors.

Below are pages with more information about rabbits and children.
- Small Animal Resources. (2021). Introducing Kids and Pets
- San Diego House Rabbit Society. Raising a Rabbit-Friendly Child
- Carolyn Mixon. (2011). Children and Rabbits
- Bill and Amy Harriman. (2012). Bringing Baby Home (Babies and Rabbits)
- Happy Hoppers Rabbit Forum. (2011). Children & Rabbits
- P.A. Smith. Children and Pet Rabbits
- Save a Fluff. Should I buy a rabbit for my child?
- House Rabbit Society. (1995). Kids' Programs
Here are some anecdotes about obtaining a rabbit for a child that did not end well.
- The Rabbit Haven. (2014). Story of Joseph the Easter bunny with his broken leg (Graphic)
- Fuzzy-rabbit. A story of introducing a new bunny into a family household - as told to fuzzy-rabbit
See our Bonding rabbits together article for more thorough information about how to bond your rabbit with one or more other rabbits.

Cats and rabbits in the same household can be very compatible. Some cats and rabbits may not get along with their own species but may happily live with each other.
Do note that in some cases, the animals need to remain separate for both animals' safety, especially when unsupervised. Positive interactions may not lead to safe behaviors between the rabbits, notably between adolescents of either species. A lively teenage cat can put dangerous claws in a rabbit when trying to play. Very young and small bunnies should not be paired with a full-grown cat. Big rabbits can bully a lighter weight cat.
Solid doors and full-height barriers are best to separate cats and rabbits if necessary because cats are such great climbers and jumpers and can often still stick their paws and claws through most cages and pens. The stress of a cat consistently harassing a rabbit can also lead to dangers such as GI stasis.
Some cat- and rabbit-proof gates with narrow bars available on Amazon:
Cats of all ages should have their claws trimmed regularly to decrease the chance of injury. Cat scratches can be incredibly dangerous to rabbits due to amount of bacteria in cat saliva and their use of dirty litter boxes. Abscesses are common in rabbits with small scratches and can easily lead to a fatal infection if not appropriately treated.
- u/Difficult-Tax-3628. (2022). Rabbit at emergency hospital because a cat scratched rabbit's eye and bit her ear.
- The Unusual Pet Vets. (2022). Eevie's abscess from a cat scratch (Graphic)
- Romeo's Rabbit Rescue. (2022). Rambo's story of multiple injuries including a huge facial abscess suspected from an attack by a cat or other predator (Graphic)
- Against All Odds Rabbit Rescue. (2022). Jon Snow's story of being attacked by a cat and developing an abscess on his intestines
- Blizzard and Butterscotch's Love Story Plus Freya. (2020). Butterscotch grew an ear abscess after being scratched by a cat
- The Unusual Pet Vets . (2020). 7-week baby rabbit with multiple abscesses suspected from a cat bite (Graphic)
- The Rabbit Haven. (2019). Baby rabbits injured by cats
- u/zekepitt. (2018). Rabbit passed away after being attacked and badly injured by a cat (RIP)
- u/mcghi1pn. (2016). Rabbit had an infected eye from a cat scratch
Please try to prevent the sharing of litter boxes between cats and rabbits, especially if your cat goes outdoors and/or eats raw meat. Infected cat feces can transmit toxoplasmosis, giardia, and cryptosporidiosis to rabbits; all of which can be fatal within a few days.[1] While rabbits may not directly ingest cat feces, rabbits can contract the parasites in households with cats by jumping in a cat's litter box, stepping in infected cat feces, and then ingesting the parasite when cleaning their feet. Additionally, most cat litter is unsafe for rabbits, and accidental ingestion can cause fatal blockages in rabbits.
- East Coast Rabbit Rescue. (2019). Rabbit forced to share a litter box with two cats (RIP)
Cat food should also be kept out of reach of rabbits. You can place cat food bowls on high tables, counters, or cat trees to prevent a rabbit from snacking in their bowl. Rabbits that dislike slick flooring like tile and hardwood can also be dissuaded from eating cat food if the bowl is placed in these areas. See Is it okay for my bunny to eat dog or cat food? for more details.
The following links have been provided for more information about cats and rabbits living together.
- Amy Ramnaraine. (2017). Rabbits & Cats
- Amy Shapiro. Cats and Rabbits
- Cat Meets Bunny - a blog that shares stories of people who are slowly integrating their rabbits and cats into one peaceful, happy, multi-species household
- Cats & Rabbits & More. Cats & Rabbits Together
- Diana_S. (2010). Cats and Bunnies

While it is possible for rabbits and dogs to co-exist in the same household, there are considerations to take into account when an owner wishes to introduce their animals. Generally, most dogs that are accepting and tolerant of cats are often comfortable around rabbits. Also, dogs that have not been allowed many opportunities to chase animals outside and are trained to remain calm during distractions are the least likely to antagonize a house rabbit.
Good training with basic obedience is imperative! If the dog is getting too rambunctious, owners need the ability to call their dog off the bunny or have them sit-stay or down-stay.
Younger and smaller rabbits tend to be higher energy than adult and larger rabbits. Dogs have relatively poor eyesight, but they have an excellent perception of quick movement; energetic bunnies will entice the dog to chase them because their quick haphazard movements are similar to that of prey. Bunnies that are calmer and lazier are much less likely to be chased. It is recommended that the bunny condo or habitat is kept in a common area where the dog can see, smell, and hear the bunnies first for a few days to a few weeks before they are let out together. If you decide to keep the dog on a leash, it is imperative to keep slack in the leash. If you pull on the dog's leash and collar, it will stress and frustrate the dog and lead to aggression.
How to tell if your dog is ready to meet the bunny: If the dog is completely ignoring the bunnies when they are in their habitat, then you can bring the dog in when the bunnies are already settled outside of their pen. Do not introduce the dog when the bunnies have just been let out of their pen and are doing excited binkies and zooming around. Ask the dog to sit-stay or down-stay and give him treats to staying. Once the dog stops staring at the rabbit, you can release the dog and let him sniff the rabbits while on leash. Do not pull on the leash unless you are concerned for anyone's safety. Ideally, you want the animals to ignore each other, so treat and praise them for doing so.
For your rabbit's safety, please keep dogs and rabbits completely separate with at least 3 types of dog-proof barriers (e.g. gates, closed doors, crates, cages) when you are not around to supervise. A playful dog can easily accidentally fatally injure a rabbit.
Please keep your dog's food out of reach of your rabbit(s). See Is it okay for my bunny to eat dog or cat food? for more details.
The following links have been provided for more information about rabbits and dogs living together.
- Dog Breed Info Center, Rating Dog Breeds in Reliability with Non-Canine Pets. Of course each dog will react differently to rabbits. This page gives a "basic overall rating" for most breeds of domestic dogs.
- Kate McGinley. (1999). Choosing a Rabbit-Friendly Dog
- Amy Shapiro. (1989). When Fido Met Thumper (Dogs and Rabbits)
- Jessica Pearlman. (2007). Can Dogs & Rabbits Live Together Happily Ever After
- Bunniez. (2008). Bunny - Puppy Relations, Can Rabbits and Dogs be friends?
- Andrew Massaro. (2009). Introducing Rabbits to Dogs
Below are some links of peoples' experiences with rabbits and dogs coexisting.
- Dog Meets Bunny
- Janis Wild. Power Plays
- House Rabbit Society Facebook group. (2020). Does anyone have house bunny's and dogs that get along?
- San Diego House Rabbit Society Group Page. (2020). Bunnies and dogs question
The following are some warning stories about accidents with dogs and rabbits:
- Clement Rabbit Rescue. (2024). Weeks-old lop rabbit, Delphine, experienced a lumbar spinal injury that paralyzed her hind legs after a dog picked her up and shook her. (Graphic)
- u/Imaginary-Deal5720. (2024). 6-year-old lionhead rabbit was fatally injured by a German Shephard that escaped. (RIP)
- u/Creative_Recover. (2024). A young Staffordshire Bull Terrier left unsupervised around 30+ rabbits free roaming eventually attacked them all fatally with two other dachshunds in the household when owner went out to shop one day. (RIP)
- u/ugliDumpling. (2024). Flemish Giant chased by dog and ended up with a hairline fracture on pelvis and luxated hip.
- u/Fairyaliencreature. (2024). Rabbit attacked by a dog after meeting for less than a minute and ended up with 6 broken ribs and more injuries. (Graphic)
- u/ComicalAccountName. (2023). Hired petsitter unexpectedly brought their dog without permission, and the dog broke the fence and got to the rabbits. (RIP)
- u/GlumQuantity1876. (2023). Puppy escaped into the yard while rabbit was using it. (RIP)
- u/nananutellacrepes. (2023). Puppy got into a fabric exercise pen where rabbit was being kept. (RIP)
- u/Alex-gecko-lover. (2022). Dogs that were being pet-sat broke into rabbit cage and scared one to death. (RIP)
- u/LizardsHaveCulture. (2022). One of my rabbits was mauled by a dog. (RIP)
- Houston Rabbit Resource. (2022). Rabbit was dumped at shelter after a dog bit off her ears. (Graphic)
- u/TheDeathstr1ke. (2021). Unsupervised dogs broke into rabbit cages. (RIP)
- u/Beginning-Damage7259. (2020). Unsupervised dog broke into and destroyed rabbit exercise pen and attacked rabbit. (Graphic)
- East Coast Rabbit Rescue. (2020). Rabbit "donated" to rescue after suffering a serious dog attack. (Graphic)
- East Coast Rabbit Rescue. (2020). A new pitbull mix with two rabbits. (RIP)
- u/nicyoung87. (2020). Dog played too rough with rabbit while unsupervised together. (RIP)
- u/jalynncx. (2020). Rabbit was taken outside for exercise while his area was cleaned and household pitbull mix ran out and attacked the rabbit. (RIP)
- Long Island Rabbit Rescue Group. (2019). Duncan's story of getting his ears chewed off by a dog. (Graphic)
- u/baesil12. (2018). Dog killed rabbit while unsupervised together and owner was out of the house. (RIP)
- u/Knitkicks. (2016). Dog snapped at rabbit with no warning.
- u/MyRabbitElla. (2015). Dog almost got to accidentally unsecured rabbit when unsupervised.
- u/aznbimbo. (2015). Unsecured dog that was being pet-sat tried to attack running rabbit.
Guinea pigs
A guinea pig (Cavia porcellus), also called a cavy or domestic guinea pig, is an animal with similar housing, dietary, and health needs as rabbits. However, it is generally not advisable to keep rabbits and guinea pigs together in the same enclosure for the following reasons:[2][3]
- Rabbits are often much larger and bully guinea pigs and injure them through kicking or biting. The guinea pig should have an escape area that only it can access.
- Rabbits may mount the guinea pig, causing stress and possible injury.
- Rabbits can harbour Bordetella bronchiseptica in their nasal passages, which is not capable of inducing disease in rabbits but potentially pathogenic to guinea pigs.
- Guinea pigs have a requirement for high levels of vitamin C as they cannot produce it in their bodies like rabbits. If fed a rabbit diet, sufficient levels may not be provided for the guinea pig.
There are some rabbits and guinea pigs who have appeared to form a strong pair bond. If kept together, the size difference should be kept to a minimum.[2] Stable solo rabbit/solo guinea pig pairs should not be separated after the fact.
However, rabbits and guinea pigs are fine in the same overall household. They should be kept out of direct contact and housed out of sneezing distance (e.g. in different rooms or rabbits on the floor and guinea pigs on a high table).
The following links have been provided for more information about guinea pigs and rabbits living together.
- Cavy Cages. Rabbits & Other Pets: Guinea Pigs with Rabbits? NOT a Good Idea.
- Happy Hoppers Rabbit Forum. Guinea Pigs & Rabbits: Why Not To Co-habitate!
- RSPCA. Keeping rabbits and guinea pigs together
- Goddard Veterinary Group. Why keeping a rabbit and guinea pig together is not a good idea…
- Save a Fluff. Can I keep a rabbit and guinea pig together?
- Can Rabbits and Guinea Pigs Be Housed Together
While indoor pet birds and rabbits can easily coexist in the same household, if they need to be housed in the same areas, a few concerns should be noted:
- Some birds can be very vocal, and rabbits can be stressed from excessive loud noises. While rabbits can eventually learn to be familiar with the sounds, please be cautious with initial introductions and placement of housing for a new rabbit.
- If rabbits are allowed access around a bird's feeding area, please be cautious about any bird food falling on the floor. Bird food tends to be heavy on grains, seeds, and fruits, and too much consumed by a rabbit can make them prone to obesity and an upset stomach.
- Many birds will need time outside their cages for exercise - please be aware that rabbits may be scared of birds flying overhead and panic. Scared rabbits may end up unintentionally hurting themselves by running into objects, sliding across floors, and falling off heights.
Ferrets are not recommended as pets in the same household as rabbits.
Ferrets are a domesticated form of the European polecat. They are obligate carnivores and need to hunt and eat as often as every 4-6 hours. A ferret's main use was for hunting rabbits, rodents, and moles, and they are still used for hunting in some countries.
Absolutely Not! Ferrets are innate hunters and will kill/ possibly eat the rabbit. Ferrets still have a great deal of their wild instincts in them, different from dogs, and will invariably go for the kill, given the opportunity. They eat meat, not greens, and so long as you have yours caged with your bunny, then one or the other is going to wind up hurt or dead. - My Ferret Pet
While ferrets make great, loving pets for the right people, they are never to be fully trusted. They are mischievous animals who always keep their owners on guard. This can be an endearing trait to some, but dangerous if you have prey animals in the house. There is no one specific way to ferret-proof a home because ferrets constantly test their boundaries and incessantly work to find ways into everything they are kept out of. - Ashley Hentz
- My Ferret Pet. (2018). Can Ferrets and Rabbits Get Along?
- Ashley Hentz. (2009). Living With Rabbits and Ferrets
Chickens & roosters

Chickens and roosters are not recommended to live in the same area as rabbits. Chickens and roosters are omnivores and will eat meat. In the wild, they often scratch at the soil to search for seeds, insects and even animals as large as lizards, small snakes or young mice.[4]
Several diseases are also transmissible between the species. As Dr. Jacquie Jacob from the University of Kentucky writes,[5]
Chickens and rabbits have several diseases in common. For example, often Pasteurella multocida is endemic in rabbit colonies. An infection of P. multocida can be a problem in rabbit production and is associated with respiratory symptoms that are commonly referred to as "snuffles." P. multocida infection of chickens can result in an outbreak of fowl cholera. Also, there is a chicken cholera that rabbits can contract.
Salmonella can also be transmitted between chickens and rabbits. While both species can be infected with coccidiosis, coccidia strains are highly host- and site-specific, although they can still transmit the disease through cross-contamination of feces.
When rabbits and chickens or roosters are kept together, and they have to compete for food, the following can happen:
Recently we were called to a tiny barn area where about 30+ rabbits were trapped and been EATEN ALIVE by about 30 chickens and roosters!! The birds attacked the rabbits every day, killing all their babies, plucking their eyes out, and pecking their malnourished bodies until every rabbit became absolutely filled with horrifying abscesses while wallowing in filth. Wounds so gaping, necrotic, half-eaten, and extensive they defy the imagination. By the time we were able to get permission to take them away already 8 had died. Then one died on route to the facility, and another during emergency surgery. - East Coast Rabbit Rescue
The following are a few rescued and injured rabbits that were housed with aggressive chickens and resulted in lifelong injuries:
- Georgia House Rabbit Society. Heat Miser - was housed outdoors with chickens; an eye was removed after repeat infections from getting pecked
- East Coast Rabbit Rescue. (2019). Tilt - was housed in an enclosure with too many rabbits and chickens and developed a severe ear infection that resulted in lifelong head tilt. (Graphic)
- Special Bunny. (2018). Cooper - rescued from a chicken coop from roommates that pecked and injured his eye
- Special Bunny. Jimmy - rescued from a chicken coop with a broken back and multiple pecking injuries
Further reading
- Best Friends Animal Society, Rabbit Relationships
Here are some sites with more information about bonding your rabbit with other animals.
- Petfinder, What Animals Get Along with Rabbits?
- Rabbit Advocates, Bonding
- Wisconsin Humane Society, Buddies for Your Bunny
- Margie Wilson, Introducing Your Rabbit to Other Family Pets
- Kathy Smith, Rabbits and Other Animals
- Small Animal, Laura Doering, Rabbits And Other Pets
- Small pet site, Rahul C Pareek, List of 30 animals and their relationship with Rabbits
See also
- ↑ Go Pets America, Inc. (2007). Internal Parasites in Rabbits. Retrieved 19 August, 2015, from
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Keeble, E & Meredith, A. (2006). Rabbit medicine & surgery: Self-assessment color review.
- ↑ RWAF FB Page (September 2019). The Rabbit Welfare Association and Fund: Rabbits and guinea pigs can live together.
- ↑ Gerard P.Worrell AKA "Farmer Jerry". Frequently asked questions about chickens & eggs. Retrieved 9 Sep 2018 from .
- ↑ Dr. Jacquie Jacob, University of Kentucky. (n.d.). Interactions of Chickens in Small and Backyard Poultry Flocks with Other Species. Retrieved 13 May 2022 from