Classroom rabbits

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While classroom animals have slowly become less and less common, rabbits are still brought up as a seemingly easy-to-take care of classroom pet. However, this could not be further than the truth.

Why are rabbits a poor choice?

  • Rabbits are easily stressed and do best in a quiet environment — few, if any, classrooms fit that description.
  • Rabbits have small, fragile bones and can be severely injured by mishandling. Rabbits have been known to break their backs and other limbs struggling to escape from an inexperienced handler.
  • Rabbits do not normally like to be picked up. A frightened rabbit is likely to bite or scratch a child (or adult) who tries to pick it up. Teachers and school officials should consider their potential liability for injuries caused by the rabbit as well as their responsibility for the animal’s well being.
  • Rabbits need to be approached slowly, quietly, and confidently. An even better approach is to allow the rabbit to approach the human for attention. Children are naturally enthusiastic and tend to approach rabbits quickly, reaching their hands into the cage suddenly or shriek loudly in excitement. Depending on the individual rabbit's personality, this will either traumatize it or cause the rabbit to "protect" their territory by lunging at (and perhaps nipping) the child. Once they realize the rabbit is more likely to hide or struggle than cuddle with them, children typically lose interest in the rabbit.
  • Rabbits do not belong in cages for long periods of time and require room to stretch and run around at all times. They are most active around dawn and dusk and often are resting during the daytime while school is in session.
  • Rabbits need a primary caretaker with whom they will bond as they do best with routine and schedules and a familiar environment. Classroom rabbits who rotate to different homes on weekends and over summer vacations will likely become fearful and insecure.
  • Rabbit health issues are often emergencies and require prompt attention to avoid death. Veterinarians that are experienced with rabbits are much more difficult to find than for a cat or dog, and not all clinics are willing to treat exotics like rabbits.

Further reading

See also